Released in mid-November 2019!
“Science of Japanese Art” vol.24 (2019 edition)

A treasure of the renaissance era known to everyone in the world, Mona Lisa and Last Supper. The artist, Leonardo da Vinci, who portrayed them, is not limited to art, but has a wide range of fields including medicine and science. His notes, called Leonardo's manuscripts, surprise researchers in various fields. It is full of ideas.
2019 will be the 500th anniversary of the death of this inexperienced genius artist, and this 24th book will introduce the work of Leonardo da Vinci and the many masterpieces created from his rare imagination. So we have a special feature that shows respect for great predecessors.
In addition to the works of contemporary artists, many masterpieces by overseas masters will be posted.


Publisher: Qualit Art Inc.
Release place: Publishing Bunkasha
Appearance: A4 size variant, boxed, all color
Total pages: 411 pages
Price: ¥ 8,000 + tax
I S B N : 978-4-88338-671-0 C0371

The e-book “Japanese Artist Collection Vol.7” will also be released.
Format: e-book (all color)
Issue: January 2020 (planned)
Price: TBD
Contents: 200 items such as Japanese paintings, Western paintings, sculpture / ceramic arts, calligraphy, etc.

《List of online bookstores where electronic books can be purchased》
Amazon Kindle Store / BookLive / ebookJapan / Comic Seymour / Rakuten Books / Neowing eBooks / d Book / U-NEXT etc.
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